I agree with what has been posted.Morale is at the lowest I have seen in 20 years.When you take in consideration that the employees (worker bees) have taken the brunt of the financial cuts-do more with less and how dare you complain--it is an amazing feat that there is any one still wanting to work there. Do not think that this situation is unknown to the rest of the state, I hear that GV hospital is discussed in depth at other (Jackson,Meridian,Columbus and so forth) Hospitals-as what not to do and we are being watched for the outcome-will the hospital be sold? will the state take over? what will happen?--- and can we get away with doing the same to our hospital and the employees. Another question is If all the management is replaced, will all the problems disappear? The answer is No. New problems will replace old problems and things will continue. What is the solution?Please someone make a viable suggestion.
- Worker Bee
October 6, 2008 1:17 PM
October 6, 2008 1:17 PM
Cutting back is one thing, DRMC has turned into to more of a "cut-throat." I don't know what the solution is. I feel in the deepest, darkest parts of my heart that the answers do not lie in retaining the management as it is now. I think the top-heavy "queen-bees" know this. That would explain some of the erratic behavior patterns. Since Allyson Williams left and Florence Jones was ousted, middle managers have been scraping and scrounging for new allies, at the expense of the hospital as a whole. It would do nothing but please the majority of us worker bees to see the majority of them jobless. Maybe they should all have to reapply and sit for interviews conducted by the department employees. How many of them do you think would still be internet surfing from their high-and-mighty desks at the end of that day? I wouldn't think very many. I do know that their are still some there that are trying to stick it out and trying to make the best out of a bad situation. As for the other hospitals that are out there watching. DRMC's chapter will most likely be labeled "what not to do."
- Deltapithy