Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Well, last night brought our great country a new leader.

Someone who pledges change and promises something different is coming. I have a confession. I haven't ever been accused of being a fan. And no, it doesnt have a thing to do with being black or white. (Can the majority of you say the same?)

I'm not a Democrat. I do not believe that tax and spend is the answer. That's the democratic way. Always has been, read the platform. You see, I was raised in a simple way. I think that everyone should pull their weight and work to the fullest of their potential. Serve. Serve your country. Serve your community. Serve your family. Serve God. (Not in a crazy, cult kinda way, but more in a "try to always do the right thing" kinda way.) I believe that only in the blood, sweat, and tears of hard working Americans the answers to the secrets of the universe lie.

Now, all of that having been said, I also respect the position. I will respect and support his decisions, I will steadfastly respect and support the troops.

President Obama made a statement as our new Commander-in Chief that really made an impact. At least on me.

"Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers today, every day, forever," Obama told troops at the Commander in Chief ball. "Tonight, we celebrate. Tomorrow, the work begins. ... Together, I am confident we will write the next great chapter in America's story."

I will wait, on pins and needles. Wait, hopeful for the next chapter. Good luck, Mr. President. You, sir, are in my thoughts and prayers.


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