Monday, April 13, 2009

Outraged said...

I was informed today that a new policy of ER is to NOT allow any family members in with a patient, until they are seen by a doctor.Where do I complain or to whom?This is outrageous! There is no way I would want my husband, child parents or in-laws to have to be alone for any length of time in an ER circumstance. I can understand limiting numbers, but to have no one??? Unacceptable! My Mother-in-law is 89 years old and has Alzheimer's, if something comes up with her, either myself or my husband will be with her at time of admission and one of us better be let in with her, or there will be such a scene!!!A friend told me she had to wait 45minutes to join her 88 year old mother, who had fallen and was severely injured at a local nursing home. By the time she finally got in with her mother, her mother was frantic and terrified. Totally unnecessary trauma! I have seen it take even longer to see a doctor, in no way should anyone injured or incapable be alone for any time without family members, if available. Tell me who to contact.

I would not be able to speak to the newest rules in the ER. They seem to make them up as they go. I have been told in the past that family members are not to be limited, I have also been told to limit the guests to one... I guess it just depends on the administration's bipolar pendulum and which way its swinging in that day.

From the outside looking in, I am a fan of limiting family members to one. It's a small space. A lot of things are going on. I am a fan of having the family members elect one person to be the "one" that receives the information and then is responsible for dispursing it to the other family members. It tends to "gum up" the works when you have numerous people needing information and your nurse is spending time explaining procedures over and over again. I am also a firm believer that in critical or trauma situations that the initial assessment should be completed prior to allowing family back to visit. In these few situations, family should be kept abreast of their family member'scondition and the tests that are in need of completion prior to allowing family back. I agree in situations when a patient is confused, a familiar face is a powerful remedy.

My best advice to you is to burn up the phone of the administration. They have more directors of this, that and the other that are paid to do pretty much nothing. advertising, patient satisfaction, quality management. Call them first. Call the main hospital phone line and ask for Mr. Humphreys. You can bet your money that if you only speak to the charge nurse or the director or the er administrator, it will be covered away with along with their own tails and nothing will happen.

This hospital belongs to the taxpayers... It is our dollars that are paying these high salaries spent on incompetence and arrogance of the ER director and administrator. Until Mr. Humpreys gets tired of hearing the voices of the community, nothing will change and all that's left of the staff that cares will be long gone as well.

Good Luck. I hope your voice can make a difference.



Appreciative patient said...

I want to say a positive for the DRMC ER STAFF. I recently had a severe allergic reaction to medication with a BP of 70/40. I was obviously very ill and covered in hives and splotches. I had to be ambulanced from the clinic to the DRMC. The Ambulance staff were very kind and alert to my needs before, during and at the end of my transportation across town.

Once arriving, the DRMC staff immediately took action to admit me and determine the cause of the reaction. Every one was attentive, courteous and professional. When questioned they answered an explanation or offered it, before the question occurred.

Knowing how low my BP was, I was scared to death and doing a lot of mental praying to God from the ride in the ambulance to arrival at DRMC. Within a short time, the physician, Hilton O'Neal and staff had my symptoms back under control. I had arrived around 4:30/5:00 PM and was treated and released in much better shape by 6:30PM. At the end of the evening, I was splotch free and feeling sooo much better!!!

I was truly relieved and impressed by everyone taking care of me

Thanks to all on the ER day staff on April 14th, 2009!!

Anonymous said...

DRMC is a dying beast and from experience the grass is greener on the other side even in the shade, so for all of you that still work there you better get out while you can, and for the public, if you have anything other than a cut or fever you better gas up the car and head out of town if you want descent health care!!!!

Anonymous said...

I ran into the same problem in April when my 98 year old grandmother who has Alzheimers, can't hear or speak was admitted through the ER from the nursing home. I was livid when I was told I could not go back there until someone saw her. I told them she can't even ask for help! I told them I would give them 15 minutes or I was making a phone call. They let me in.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, Ray Man is trudging forward with his intentions to get the third hospital complex started very soon. I have to wonder about our Supervisors and Board members of DRMC. What are they thinking?

The poor choices of Ray Man have already damaged the surrounding areas of King's Daughter's hospital and downtown commerce.

Clinics are hanging on, but it is a matter of time before they close for good or move to the South Colorado St. area. So now he want to destroy long term businesses around DRMC??? Why? He once said DRMC was not up to code and that was the reason for a new bldg.....excuse me??? How many remodels have I lived through of DRMC?? Too many to count! If it does not meet code, then how are they even open for business? With all the changes no one thought to be sure the changes met code? Supervisors, I ask this question, how will the County pay for this new bldg/complex? Our tax base is nearly stripped now. Ok, so it will create jobs in contstruction, but that is short term. In the long run it will be an atrocity of expense to the county and devastating to the DRMC buisinesses and neighborhoods of today, who depend on the ER being so close. Crime will also follow DRMC and be brought further south by the gang violence and derelict criminals. Thanks; but no thanks!

Keep DRMC where it is! When asked what would be done about DRMC when vacated, it was said by Ray Man that their plans were to RENT it out...too whooooooo????? Another hospital? Well DRMC killed KD, why would they allow another competitor in? NOOO, it will just be another ugly vacant bldg standing as testament to the insanity of Ray Man, the supervisors and the DRMC Board. I for one do not look forward to the tax increase to come for such a stupid decision!