I want to say a positive for the DRMC ER STAFF. I recently had a severe allergic reaction to medication with a BP of 70/40. I was obviously very ill and covered in hives and splotches. I had to be ambulanced from the clinic to the DRMC. The Ambulance staff were very kind and alert to my needs before, during and at the end of my transportation across town. Once arriving, the DRMC staff immediately took action to admit me and determine the cause of the reaction. Every one was attentive, courteous and professional. When questioned they answered an explanation or offered it, before the question occurred. Knowing how low my BP was, I was scared to death and doing a lot of mental praying to God from the ride in the ambulance to arrival at DRMC. Within a short time, the physician, Hilton O'Neal and staff had my symptoms back under control. I had arrived around 4:30/5:00 PM and was treated and released in much better shape by 6:30PM. At the end of the evening, I was splotch free and feeling sooo much better!!!I was truly relieved and impressed by everyone taking care of me Thanks to all on the ER day staff on April 14th, 2009!!
April 15, 2009 2:24 AM
I can tell you, it's a rare case, indeed that the ER staff receives commendation for a job well done.
I think part of the reason is that the administration's perception of satisfaction is not a true measure of the successful patient outcome.
Let me qualify that first by saying this... A successful set of circumstances in the ER measures first survival of life and limb. That should be the primary affirmative measure. That's not to say that ill will or maliciousness should be allowed or acceptable. But when the focus changes from being able to function in a trauma situation to fluffing pillows and what not.... you are setting yourself up for a lot of trouble.
Speaking only for myself and my family, I would much rather have a nursing team that can function together in a trauma situation and save my life than the weather girl who can barely function at all, but grins and laughs with the directors.
I am delighted that you and your family choose Delta Regional to meet your urgent and emergent health care needs, and especially so that you are willing to share a pat on the back for a job well done. I say this knowing that out of even this most successful of outcomes, the sorry director they have over there probably still found a way to "write up the situation" and portray it as someone doing something wrong.
I can assure you this- the sooner that hospital loses the current ER administration, the more success that will achieved for the community it serves.
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