Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Well, I think all the employees of the ER at Delta Regional would suggest that the obvious solution to the problems would be to lube up the triad with their very own name brand lubricating jelly and let them slide on out the ambulance bay and down the ramp into umemployment. Nothing would make the majority of the team happier. Other than that, my only hope for those of us still standing is to do the best we can and hope 2009 brings brighter days.

- deltapithy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, lubing up "the triad" and sliding them out the door is not a viable solution. In the mean time, the employees (as well as the patients) are getting lubed up. Problems aren't limited to the ER at DRMC. The whole place is falling into this man-made sinkhole. Ethics in higher ups haven't seen daylight in decades. Nurses are being horribly overworked hospital-wide. The staffing in ancillary departments has been severely cut, which in turn is making the already overworked nurses even more stressed out over lab timing, etc. And to top it off, they still have a raise freeze in effect, but have no problem hiring PRN nurses at vulgar salaries. It's a vicious cycle.

I will jump on board for hoping that 2009 brings brighter days. I would say that it couldn't get worse, but I highly doubt that.